LED lighting
After the closure of the Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant, our region significantly increased electricity prices for consumers. Many businesses are looking for solutions to reduce electricity costs. Investments in cost-efficient lighting would save and increase the company's profits.
The costs for lighting - 80% less
Environmental costs - 90% less
Costs for operation - 80% less
Profitability - from 30% to 60%
Payback - 1-3 years
Costs cable networks - 60% less
Cost control equipment - 50% less
If interested, please submit the completed form to e-mail. a current advertising, exhibitions, shop windows, outdoor power and lighting solutions
it uses total capacity of _________________, KW
chandeliers number ____________________, pcs.
luminaire mounting height _______________, meters
illuminance ___________________________, Lx
Based on the information provided, we choose the optimal approach and send you. Only a professional LED solutions are reliable and justifies investment.